Bruce Berry

Bruce Berry started tying flies when he was thirteen, and tied commercially through High School and College for Pacific Fly Works, Kaufmann’s and The Fly Fisher’s Place. He followed in the footsteps of every other die-hard fisherman: at twelve, wrecking lines in the street after school, at thirteen he wanted to catch a fish, which turned into wanting to catch a bigger fish, a fish in the Wind River range, a fish in the salt, a fish on a swung fly, a fish on a skater and so on! Now he spends most of his time on the water either stalking trout or swinging steelhead flies. Between trips he ties flies and lies to friends and family about the size of the fish he catches. He likes Montana Fly Company’s style and is happy to be a part of the madness with all of crazy and wild-ass flies like Master Baetis, Purple Haze, Dog Puke, etc!!!

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