Bill Louthan

BILL LOUTHAN Bill started fishing at a very young age. In his younger days he was known as Rooster Tail Bill. But that came to a screeching halt the very first time Bill picked up a fly rod in the early 1990’s. Bill purchased the Alpine Angler in Aurora, CO in the mid 90’s and ran the family business with his son Billy for a decade. During the same period Bill taught the youth Fly Fishing program for the city of Aurora. After deciding to close the business, Bill started working in Bass Pro’s White River Fly Shop in Denver, CO. Bill is one of the most passionate fly fishermen you will ever meet, and he shows that enthusiasm with every customer that walks through the door. When he is not in the shop, as you can see by his photo, Bill enjoys spending time on rivers all over the Rocky Mountains with his grandsons. Bill lives in Aurora, CO with his wonderful wife Lavada.

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